Yering Gorge pump station transfers water to Sugarloaf Reservoir from the Maroondah Aqueduct and the Yarra River. The facility has been in operation for approximately 40 years as part of the larger Winneke Water Treatment Plant.
CMP completed concept, functional and detailed design of the Pakenham Main SPS and Inlet Works upgrade to take the capacity from approximately 130 L/s to 415 L/s using the existing site.
As part of the design and construct team Aqua Metro Services, we completed the detailed design, technical site supervision and as-constructed drawings for Melbourne Water Corporation’s bulk water meter upgrade program.
As part of the design and construct team Aqua Metro Services, we completed the design and construction for the new carpark facilities at Eastern Treatment Plant.
Through the design and construct team Aqua Metro Services, we completed the design and installation of an evaporative cooling system for Melbourne Water’s Eastern Treatment Plant power station.
As part of the design and construct team Aqua Metro Services, we completed the design and construction of an effluent monitoring station at Melbourne Water’s Eastern Treatment Plant.
Relocation of the Western Treatment Plant administration office complex away from rapidly encroaching residential developments in order to locate operators and service providers closer to the plant.
These 144 kL steel fire water tanks and diesel pumpset are connected to more than 800m of fire supply ring main, providing protection to a new administration building, workshop, and education facility.
The project scope entailed working with Melbourne Water stakeholders and incorporated modern design technology to minimise clashes with existing services, as well as allow for construction under short notice.
Design and construction of a pumping station, upgrades to the existing bioreactor, along with other works resulted in a cost savings to South East Water in excess of $1.5M.
CMP was engaged to undertake the detailed mechanical, civil and structural design for the upgrade of the TasWater’s Blackmans Bay Sewage Treatment Plant as part of the Kingborough Sewerage Project.
Boundary Creek Stock Pipeline is a key project for Barwon Water, facilitating the supply of raw water to a number of landowners in the Yeodene region to supplement flows taken from Boundary Creek.
The trunk sewer ventilation systems at North Weston and Crace were in need of upgrade to minimize the risk of odour issues for nearby residents, meet performance criteria for sewer ventilation, and to prevent corrosion.
CMP prepared a detailed design for the hypochlorite dosing facilities for installation in remote indigenous communities in the Northern Territory.
Water storage and supply was identified as a critical component for the long-term security, sustainability and growth of the Mount Buller resort in summer and winter.